Verifies a given user by authenticating the user's credential, verifies the user privileges and areas against those specified in the functions parameters. Successful verification however does not log the user into the CitectSCADA runtime system.
UserVerify(sName, sPassword [, sAccess] [, sPrivGlobal] [, sPriv1..sPriv8] )
The name of the user.
The password of the user. The sPassword argument needs to be passed as a secure string.
Specifies the required user's viewable areas.
Specifies the required user's global privilege.
Specifies the required areas for privileges 1 - 8. That is, sPriv1 contains the areas (1,2,3,4,...,255) where the user has Privilege 1.
Return Value
0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned.
The successful verification has to meet the following conditions:
Related Functions
UserDelete, UserEditForm, UserPassword, UserPasswordForm, UserCreateForm
INT FUNCTION UserVerifyTest() STRING sName; STRING sPassword; INT bDone; INT nStatus; bDone = FALSE; WHILE bDone = FALSE DO FormNew("@(Login Form)", 30, 5, 5); FormInput(1, 0, "@(Name)" + " ", sName, 16); FormSecurePassword(1, 2, "@(Password)" + " ", sPassword, 16); FormButton( 1, 4, " " + "@(OK)" + " ", 0, 1); FormButton(17, 4, "@(Cancel)", 0, 2); IF FormRead(0) = 0 THEN IF UserVerify(sName, sSecurePassword) = 0 THEN bDone = TRUE; nStatus = 0; Message("Info", "Verification successful", 0) ELSE sPassword = ""; Message("Info", "Verification not successful", 0) END ELSE bDone = TRUE; nStatus = 298; END END RETURN nStatus; END
See Also