CitectVBA Programming Reference > Understanding CitectVBA Language Basics > Variables > Fixed Size Arrays

Fixed Size Arrays

To declare a fixed size array, the array name must be followed by the upper bound subscript enclosed within parentheses. The upper bound must be an integer.

Dim ArrayName(10) As Integer
Dim Sum(20) As Double

Unless specifically defined in the array declaration statement, default lower bound settings are used. The default lower bound is zero, unless set by the module option base statement setting. For details, see Array Subscripts.

The first declaration in the previous example creates an array with 11 elements, with index numbers running from 0 to 10. The second creates an array with 21 elements (if base 0). One way to specify the lower bound is to provide it explicitly (as an integer in the range -32,768 to 32,767) using the To clause within the subscript:

Dim intCounters (1 To13) As Integer
Dim strSums (100 To126) As String

In the preceding example, the index numbers of intCounters run from 1-13, and the index numbers of strSums run from 100-126.

Note: An array in CitectVBA must be declared before it can be referenced.

Loops often provide an efficient way to manipulate arrays. For example, the following for loop initializes all elements in the array to 5:

Dim int As IntegerDim Counters(1 To 20) As Integer
For int = 1 To 20
Counters(int) = 5
Next int

Arrays declared (using the dim statement within procedures) do not retain their values between procedure calls in CitectVBA.

See Also

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Dynamic Size Arrays

Arrays of Variables

Array Subscripts

Option Base statement