CitectVBA Programming Reference > CitectVBA Function Reference > Procedural Statements

Procedural Statements

CitectVBA procedural function statements are provided to assist with conditional code execution and program flow:

Call statement

Transfers control to a Sub procedure, function procedure, or dynamic-link library (DLL) procedure.

Function statement

Declares and defines a procedure that can receive arguments and return a value of a specified data type.

End Function statement

Ends a program or a block of statements within a function.

Sub statement

Declares and defines a Sub procedures name, parameters and code.

End Sub statement

Ends a program or a block of statements within a subroutine.

CicodeCallOpen function

Calls a Cicode function from CitectVBA.

CicodeCallReturn function

Obtains the return value of the most recently completed Cicode function opened with the CitectVBA CicodeCallOpen function.

Cicode functions used to handle CitectVBA functions and statements:

VbCallOpen function

Opens a CitectVBA function or subroutine from Cicode.

VbCallRun function

Runs the opened CitectVBA function or subroutine from Cicode.

VbCallReturn function

Obtains the return value of the completed CitectVBA function previously opened with the Cicode VbCallOpen function.