CitectVBA Programming Reference > CitectVBA Function Reference > String Functions > StrComp


Returns an integer that is the result of the comparison of two strings.

The required String1 argument is any valid string expression. The required String2 argument is any valid string expression.

The optional Compare argument is a numeric expression that specifies the type of string comparison. It can be omitted, 0, or 1. Specify 0 (default) to perform a binary comparison. Specify 1 to perform a textual comparison. If compare is Null, an error occurs.


StrComp(String1, String2)


A string or expression that can represent a valid text value.


A string or expression that can represent a valid text value.

Return Value

Returns a variant containing an integer data type indicating the result of the string compare:


Dim strTest1 as String
Dim strTest2 as String
Dim strTest3 as String
Dim vntComp
strTest1 = "ABCD"
strTest2 = "abcd"
strTest3 = NULL
vntComp = StrComp(strTest1, strTest2) ' Returns -1 (less than)
vntComp = StrComp(strTest1, strTest1) ' Returns 0 (equal to)
vntComp = StrComp(strTest2, strTest1) ' Returns 1 (greater than)
vntComp = StrComp(strTest1, strTest3) ' Returns NULL (strTest3 is NULL)