CitectVBA Programming Reference > Integrating CitectVBA into your project > Using CitectVBA in Command or Expression fields

Using CitectVBA in Command or Expression fields

CitectSCADA expects that all code contained within a CitectSCADA Command or Expression field to be Cicode by default. When using CitectVBA code script directly in a CitectSCADA Command or Expression field within CitectSCADA, you must precede the CitectVBA script with the keyword CiVBA, as shown here:

TestTag_1 = TestTag_1 + 1

This is known as the language override command. When the CitectSCADA compiler reads the keyword CiVBA, it knows to handle that code (within the same CitectSCADA Command or Expression field) as CitectVBA script, and compiles it as such. No such override command is required to use Cicode.

The CiVBA language override statement must be placed first in the CitectSCADA Command or Expression field if you want to use CitectVBA script code instead of Cicode in that CitectSCADA Command or Expression field.

Note: You must use either Cicode or CitectVBA in a CitectSCADA Command or Expression field. You cannot change or swap between the two programming languages (within the same CitectSCADA Command or Expression field) once you've started using one or the other.

You can, however, call a single Cicode function from within CitectVBA script if you wrap the Cicode call within special CitectVBA functions CicodeCallOpen()and CicodeCallReturn(). For details, see Calling Cicode from CitectVBA.

Alternatively, to call a single CitectVBA function (from within the CitectSCADA Command or Expression field) after you have already used Cicode in that field, you can wrap the CitectVBA within three nested special Cicode functions: VbCallOpen(), VbCallRun()and VbCallReturn(). See Calling Cicode from CitectVBA.

See Also

Accessing Cicode Tags with CitectVBA

Accessing ActiveX Objects with CitectVBA

Multithread Considerations with CitectVBA

Calling CitectVBA from Cicode

Calling Cicode from CitectVBA