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CitectVBA Programming Reference > Understanding CitectVBA Language Basics > Variables > Variable declaration

Variable declaration

In CitectVBA, variables are declared (dimensioned) with the dim statement in the following format.

Dim <VariableName> [ As <DataType> ]


If no data type is declared, the data type is Variant by default. To declare a variable other than a Variant, the variable declaration needs to be immediately followed by As <datatype> (where <datatype> represents one of the 10 data types), or appended by a type declaration character such as a $, %, &, !, or # for string, integer, long, single, or double data types respectively. For example:

Dim intVar As Integer
Dim dblVar As Double
Dim vntVar ' as variant by default
Dim strName$, Age% ' multiple declarations on one line

Be aware that multiple declarations in the same statement require individual data type assignment if you want them be other than the variant type. In the following example, only the first variable is not a variant. For example:

Dim strName As String, vntAge, vntAddress

The same statement with data type assignment for every variable would look like the following example:

Dim strName As String, intAge As Integer, strAddress As String

See Also

CitectVBA Data Types

Variable initialization values


Variant Declaration

Arrays of Variables

CitectVBA Function Reference