Computer Setup Editor > Maintaining Parameters > Viewing undocumented parameters

Viewing undocumented parameters

When a configuration file is loaded by the Computer Setup Editor, only those parameters that are documented in the Parameter Help are visible in the parameter tree. There are, however, many other parameters (mostly used by CitectSCADA itself) for which no help topics exist; these are known as undocumented parameters.

To show undocumented parameter:

  1. Right click the top element of the parameter tree.
  2. Choose Show undocumented Sections and Parameters from the shortcut menu.
  3. The parameter tree expands to show all undocumented sections and parameters.

To hide undocumented parameters:

  1. Right click the top element of the parameter tree.
  2. Choose Hide undocumented Sections and Parameters from the shortcut menu.
  3. The undocumented sections and parameters are hidden.

Setting the default option for viewing undocumented parameters

  1. Choose Options from the Tools menu.
  2. The Computer Setup Editor Options window opens. Select the checkbox to display undocumented parameters by default.
  3. Click OK. When Computer Setup Editor next opens a configuration file, this setting will be used to determine whether undocumented parameters are displayed in the parameter tree.