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Runtime Manager > The Runtime Manager Interface

The Runtime Manager Interface

The CitectSCADA Runtime Manager interface is described below.

Each individual process on the workstation is represented by a line item in the monitoring pane. Every line item (process) has several columns showing the following information:

Column Description


The CPU on which the process is running.


The Windows ProcessID.


Lists each CitectSCADA component running in the process. Where CitectSCADA is running in single process mode and all components are sharing a process, they appear comma-separated on a single line in this column.


The Type of process (Alarm, Report, Trend, I/O Server or Client). Where CitectSCADA is running in single process mode and all components are sharing a process, the type is known as `MIXED'.


The status of each process. See Monitoring Runtime Processes for a list of each status reported by CitectSCADA Runtime Manager.


Displays message information relevant to the status of each process, such as the date and time of project compilation, as well as project name. For example, during startup of each process the verbose startup message appears in this column.

The CitectSCADA Runtime Manager interface also includes the following buttons: