Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Developers > Automation Model > IObjectView.Visible [Property][Get/Set]

IObjectView.Visible [Property][Get/Set]

Gets or Sets the visibility of the Object View window.

Defined As

Execution Result

If the property get succeeds, the return value will be Success. If the return variable is bad, the return value will be InvalidArgument.



By hiding the ObjectView, the chart gains the real estate previously held by it, and likewise the chart loses real estate when the ObjectView gets shown.

Calling Syntax

Assume that there is an IObjectView object being passed in as a parameter.


Sub Example(objectView As Object)
Dim visible As Boolean
`Getting Property value
visible = objectView.Visible
`Setting Property value
objectView.Visible = False
End Sub


FUNCTION Example(OBJECT hObjectView)
INT bVisible = 0
// Getting property value
bVisible = _ObjectGetProperty(hObjectView, "Visible");
// Setting Property to false
_ObjectSetProperty(hObjectView, "Visible", 0);