Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Developers > Automation Model > IObjectViewPenItem.Checked [Property][Get/Set]

IObjectViewPenItem.Checked [Property][Get/Set]

Gets or Sets whether or not this pen item is checked.

Defined As

Execution Result

If the property get succeeds, the return value will be Success. If the return variable is bad, the return value will be InvalidArgument.



This reflects the pens visibility property directly, and any sets to this property will reflect immediately in the update of the Process Analyst display.

See Also

OVItemChecked [Event]

Calling Syntax

This example assumes there is a valid pen item as retrieved from an ObjectView. (for example, VBA: objectView.Items.Item(1).Items.Item(1) This will be a pen).


Sub Example(objectViewPenItem As Object)
Dim checked As Boolean
`Getting Property value
checked = objectViewPenItem.Checked
`Setting Property value
objectViewPenItem.Checked = False
End Sub


FUNCTION Example(OBJECT hObjectViewPenItem)
// Getting property value
INT checked = _ObjectGetProperty(hObjectViewItem, "Checked");
// Setting property value
_ObjectSetProperty(hObjectViewItem, "Checked", 0);