Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Developers > Automation Model > IPen.SetVerticalAxisLabelValue [Method]

IPen.SetVerticalAxisLabelValue [Method]

This function can be used to display custom text for a particular value on the Vertical Axis.

Defined As



[in] Indicates which value you want to replace with a custom label.


[in] Indicates the text that will be displayed instead of the specified value.

Execution Result

If the function succeeds the return value will be Success. If an argument is bad then the return value will be InvalidArgument. If the pen is deleted then the return value will be GeneralFailure.

Calling Syntax

Assumes you have passed a valid pen object into the function.


Sub Example(pen As Object)
` Change the vertical axis to display High High instead of 95
pen.SetVerticalAxisLabelValue 95, "High High"
End Sub


// Change the vertical axis to display High High instead of 95
_ObjectCallMethod(hPen, "SetVerticalAxisLabelValue", 95, "High High");