Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Developers > Automation Model > IProcessAnalyst.ObjectView [Property][Get]

IProcessAnalyst.ObjectView [Property][Get]

Gets a reference to the ObjectView object. With this object you can manipulate the look of the ObjectView.

Defined As

Execution Result

If the property get succeeds the return value will be Success. If the return variable is bad then the return value will be InvalidArgument.

Calling Syntax

Assumes you have a page called "myPage" and the Process Analyst has been named "AN35".


Sub Example()
Dim objectView As Object
`Retrieve the objectview
Set objectView = myPage_AN35.ObjectView
End Sub


FUNCTION Example()
OBJECT hProcessAnalyst = ObjectByName("AN35");
OBJECT objectView;
// Retrieve the objectview
objectView = _ObjectGetProperty(hProcessAnalyst, "ObjectView");