Using CitectSCADA > Working with Multi-Language Projects > Changing Languages > Language databases

Language databases

When the project is compiled, CitectSCADA creates a language database (dBASE III format), consisting of two fields: NATIVE and LOCAL. Text marked with a language change indicator is automatically entered in the NATIVE field. You can then open the database and enter the translated text in the LOCAL field.

For example:



Line Disconnected Alarm at Line Speed {LineSpeed1}

<Translation of Line Disconnected Alarm at Line Speed {LineSpeed1}>

Main Menu page

<Translation of Main Menu page>

Conveyor Belt Trip

<Translation of Conveyor Belt Trip>

When the project is run, the translation of Line Disconnected Alarm at Line Speed {LineSpeed1} will display in place of the English text, the translation of Main Menu page will display in place of the English text etc.

For the language change to occur automatically when the project is run, you need to specify the language database to use before running the project by using the [Language]LocalLanguage parameter. Otherwise, you can change the language yourself at runtime using the SetLanguage() function.

If you do not enter a local equivalent of the native text string, the native text is displayed by default. You can specify to display "#MESS", instead of the native text by setting the [Language]DisplayError parameter to 1 (one); the default is 0 (zero).

For single-byte languages (such as French), the database can be edited using Microsoft Excel; for double-byte languages (such as Chinese), use Visual FoxPro.

By default, the language database created by the compile is called English.dbf (this can be changed using the [Language]LocalLanguage parameter). It is saved to the project directory. Once the database is created, it us updated when you compile. Text marked since the last compile is appended to the database; the rest of the database is unchanged.

See Also