Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Developers > Automation Model > MouseDoubleClick [Event]

MouseDoubleClick [Event]

This event is raised whenever a mouse double-click occurs on the graphical chart area of the Process Analyst.

Defined As



[in] Indicates which pen the double-click occurred on. This object will be invalid if no pen was double-clicked.


[in] Indicates which button was double-clicked: 0 = Left, 1 = Right.


[in] Indicates the Process Analyst object that raised the event (Cicode only).

Calling Syntax

Assumes you have a Process Analyst on a page with an event class defined as myPage_AN35.


Sub myPage_AN35_MouseDoubleClick(pen As Object, button As Integer)
End Sub


FUNCTION myPage_AN35_MouseDoubleClick(OBJECT processAnalyst, OBJECT pen, INT button)