Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Operators > Configuring the Process Analyst > Navigation Commands

Navigation Commands

The Process Analyst has the following navigation commands by default. For details about these commands, see Navigating time.

Icon Tooltip Description

Toggle Span Lock

Toggles the locking of the time span. A time span is the "distance" in time between the start time and end time of the chart. For details, see Span Lock.

Back One Span

Moves the pen(s) back in time exactly one time span. For details, see Navigating time.

Back Half a Span

Moves the pen(s) back half a span. For details, see Navigating time.

Forward One Span

Moves the pen(s) forward in time exactly one span. For details, see Navigating time.

Forward Half a Span

Moves the pen(s) forward half a span. For details, see Navigating time.

Synchronize to Now

Synchronizes pen(s) such that the end date time reflects "now" which is positioned on the right-hand edge of the screen. "Now" is calculated using the current system time. For details, see Synchronize to Now.

Toggle Auto-Scrolling

Toggles the automatic scrolling off and on for every pen. For details, see Toggle Autoscrolling.

See Also

View Commands | Zoom Commands | Export Commands | Interface Commands | General Commands