The touch property lets you assign commands to the object/group. These commands are then executed when the object/group is touched at runtime (i.e., an operator clicks on the object/group). You can also define messages which will log at these times.
For example, a drive can be jogged by starting it when the mouse button is depressed and stopping it when the mouse button released; variables can be incremented while the mouse button is held, and so on. At the same time, it could log the time and date, and the name of the operator.
Operators who do not satisfy the access requirements cannot touch the object/group at runtime.
Objects and groups have the following input (touch) properties.
There are three actions to which commands can be attached. You can select more than one type of action. Unique commands and log messages can be attached to each action (i.e. you can perform one task on the down action, and another on the up action, and log a separate message for each).
[Action] Up
Select this option if you want a command to be executed (and a unique message to be logged) when the operator positions the mouse pointer over the object/group, and clicks and releases the left mouse button.
As with standard Windows buttons, if the operator moves the cursor away from the object/group before releasing the mouse button, the command isn't executed (unless you also select the Down option).
[Action] Down
Select this option if you want a command to be executed (and a unique message to be logged) when the operator positions the mouse pointer over the object/group, and clicks the left mouse button. The command will execute as soon as the mouse button is clicked.
[Action] Repeat
Select this option if you want a command to execute continually (and a unique message to log continually) whenever the operator has the mouse pointer positioned over the object/group, and is holding the left mouse button depressed. If the operator moves the mouse pointer away from the object/group without releasing the mouse button, the command will stop executing, but will start again as soon as the mouse pointer is re-positioned over the object/group. The only exception is when you also have the Down option selected, in which case, the command will execute continually even if the mouse pointer has been moved away from the object/group.
To set the delay which precedes the first execution of the command (and the first log of the message), and the delay between each repeat.
Up/Down/Repeat command
The commands (set of instructions) to be executed immediately when the selected action is performed. The command(s) can be a maximum of 253 characters long.
To insert a tag or a function, click the Wizard button to the right of this field. This button displays two options: Insert Tag and Insert Function.
[Logging] Log Message
The text message sent to the MsgLog field of the Log Device when the selected
action is performed by the operator at runtime. The message is
plain text, and can include tag name substitutions using
Genie or Super Genie
syntax. When using Super Genie syntax, the data type needs to be
specified. The name of the tag will then be included in the text.
The log message can be a maximum of 32 characters long.
To include field data as part of a logged message, insert the field name as part of the device format when configuring the device. For instance, in the Format field of the Devices form, you could enter {MsgLog,20} {FullName,15}. This would accommodate the logging of messages such as P2 started by John Smith.
The log device to which the message is sent is specified through the General Access tab.
Note: If the object is part of a Genie or symbol, this property can be defined after the Genie/symbol is pasted onto a page. (Hold down the Control (CTRL) key and double-click the object.) If you define it before pasting (i.e. you define it for the original in the library), you cannot edit it after. Similarly, if the object is part of a template, it can be defined after a page has been created using that template (again, with Control + double-click). If you define it for the actual template, you cannot edit it for pages based on the template.
Repeat rate
This option sets the delay which precedes the first execution of the command(s), and the delay between each subsequent repeat of the command(s).
You can change the rate by pressing the up and down arrows to the right of the field, or by entering another value in this field.
Note: If you define a touch command for an object in a group, the group's touch command will not work.