Using CitectSCADA > Defining and Drawing Graphics Pages > Defining Common Object Properties > Object Properties - Slider (Vertical)

Object Properties - Slider (Vertical)

You can link objects and groups to variable tags in such a way that vertical sliding of the object/group changes the value of the tag. As the slider moves to the up, the variable tag increases in value. As the slider moves to the down, the variable tag decreases in value. The slider also moves automatically to reflect the changing values of the tag.

Note: The vertical slider cannot be used if the rotational slider is enabled, or if vertical movement is enabled.

Objects and groups have the following vertical slider properties:


The value of the tag entered in this field (79 characters maximum) will change when the slider is moved up or down. You can define two slider limits on your graphics page. The object/group will not slide beyond these two points. During runtime, when the slider reaches its upper limit (Offset At maximum), the tag value changes to its maximum limit. When the slider reaches its lower limit (Offset At minimum), the tag value changes to its minimum limit.

To insert a tag, click the Wizard button to the right of this field.

[Tag] Continuous update of tag

Select this box if you want the variable tag to be updated continuously while the slider is being moved. If you do not select this box, the tag will only be updated when the slider has been released (i.e., it has been moved, and the operator has released the mouse button).

[Offset] At maximum

The distance (number of pixels from the original object/group center) that the object/group can slide up. When it reaches the point defined by this distance, the Tag value changes to its maximum limit.

You can change the offset value by pressing the up and down arrows to the right of the field, or by entering another value in this field.

[Offset] At minimum

The distance (number of pixels from the original object/group center) that the object/group can slide down. When it reaches the point defined by this distance, the tag value changes to its minimum limit.

You can change the offset value by pressing the up and down arrows to the right of the field, or by entering another value in this field.

You can increase the value of the tag with a down-slide, and decrease it with an up-slide, by entering negative distances in the Offset fields.

Note: If an object in a group is a slider, it might change the overall size of the group when used at runtime. If it does, the fill level of the group will adjust accordingly. If a group and one of its objects are both defined as sliders, the object will take precedence (i.e. only the object will operate as a slider).

See Also