Using CitectSCADA > Linking, Importing, and Exporting Tags > Importing tags > OPC Data Access Server Tag Browser

OPC Data Access Server Tag Browser

The OPC Data Access Server Tag Browser dialog generates the strings that the OPC Data Access Server database driver requires in CitectSCADA.

The OPC Data Access Server Tag Browser dialog has the following fields:

Machine Name

The location of the OPC Server which can be an IP address or the network path server. Leave blank to select the local machine.

Database tree display

Displays the Servers on the network that are running the OPC Server application, and the hierarchical database node structure for each.

Select a group of tags to import from an available database. OPC data can be either a tree (hierarchical) or a flat structure. The CitectSCADA OPC driver supports access to both types of storage. If the data is in a tree structure, it can be accessed to the first branch level down from the root node. Deeper levels of branching may be supported in the future.

Note: The authentication values needs to be valid for read/write access, as assigned by the appropriate database administrator.