Using CitectSCADA > Exchanging Data with Other Applications > Using ODBC drivers > Optional functions
Optional functions

CitectSCADA SQL devices and Cicode functions also use the ODBC functions listed in the table below. While these functions are not necessary for operation, if they are absent in a driver, the error code 307 (SQL database error) will be returned if the ODBC driver does not support the necessary ODBC functions. To get the message associated with the error, call the Cicode function SQLErrMsg.

Level 0


If the driver does not support this function, the Cicode functions SQLBeginTran(), SQLCommit(), and SQLRollBack() are not supported.

Level 1

SQLSpecial Columns

CitectSCADA uses this function if it is available. There is no loss of functionality otherwise.


(no effect on CitectSCADA)

Level 2

SQLData Sources

The driver does not need to support this function. It is provided by ODBC.

SQLExtended Fetch

Without this function, CitectSCADA cannot take advantage of the native database's ability to fetch records at random.

SQLSetScroll Options

Without this function, CitectSCADA cannot take advantage of the native database's ability to fetch records at random.

SQLMore Results

(no effect on CitectSCADA)


(no effect on CitectSCADA)

SQLProcedure Columns

(no effect on CitectSCADA)

See Also