Technical Reference > Parameters Overview > Parameter Precedence

Parameter Precedence

On a machine where a parameter is set in both the project database and the citect.ini file the value contained in the citect.ini will be used by that machine.

For example, in the diagram below the project value for parameterX (which is stored in the project database) is n. This is the value used for parameterX on every server and client EXCEPT the I/O Server and Trends Server, both of which use the values set in their local citect.ini files (p and m respectively).

A parameter which is global to a project and applies to the majority of servers running a project is recommended therefore to be defined in the project database where it can be centrally managed and controlled. Any exceptions to this global value can then be managed by modifying the citect.ini file on the machine to which the exception applies.

Where a parameter is not set in either the project database or the citect.ini file, the default value for that parameter will be used by the system.