Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Developers > Automation Model > PenSelectionChanged [Event]

PenSelectionChanged [Event]

This event is raised whenever the selection changes in the Process Analyst.

Defined As



[in] Refers to the pen that now has primary selection. This maybe invalid if the last pen was deleted from the view.


[in] Indicates the Process Analyst object which raised the event. (Cicode only)


Selection can change via user interaction (such as clicking on pens, deleting/adding pens) and automation.

Calling Syntax

Assumes you have a Process Analyst on a page with an event class defined as myPage_AN35.


Sub myPage_AN35_PenSelectionChanged(pen As Object)
End Sub


FUNCTION myPage_AN35_PenSelectionChanged(OBJECT processAnalyst, OBJECT pen)