Using CitectSCADA > Administering Projects > Managing your projects > Print (project details) dialog
Print (project details) dialog

This dialog box allows you to print the configuration elements (database records, graphic pages, Cicode files, etc.) in the current project. Click OK to print the selection, or Cancel to abort printing.

[Print selection]

Lists the elements in the project that can be printed. To select (or deselect) an element for printing, click the check box; a checkmark indicates it will be printed.

Click Select All to select every item in the list, or Deselect All to clear your selections.

[Options] Graphics pages included in print selection

Specifies a particular page to print. Use the drop-down list to select a single page from the project. Choose the <All pages> entry to print the pages in the project.

[Options] Group printouts by graphics page

Print the objects database information with the related page. If this option is not set, then the objects database information is printed as continuous lists, with just a page reference.

You can only print the contents of the current project. Included projects will not be printed. You can specify the print font, font size, and page size in the Options for the Project Editor (in the Tools menu).