Though each protocol may have multiple unique errors, the first 34 protocol-specific errors are standard for every protocol. Every protocol-specific error is also reported under error numbers 1 to 31 above. Although these errors have their own error number (also given in hexadecimal), it is only used as a notation.
Note: Errors that are protocol-specific are listed in the Protocol-Specific Errors help topic for each protocol. Refer to the documentation that was supplied with your I/O Device if you cannot locate an error description.
Error number |
Error title |
Description |
1 (0x01) |
Cannot process received characters fast enough |
Cannot process received characters fast enough. Lower the baud rate or use a faster computer. If the error persists, contact Technical Support for this product.. |
2 (0x02) |
Parity error |
The received message has a parity error. Check that the correct baud rate, parity, stop bits, and data bits are specified in the Citect Ports form. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to the I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. |
3 (0x03) |
Break detected in receive line |
A break has been detected in the receive line. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to an I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. |
4 (0x04) |
Framing error |
The wrong baud rate may have been specified.
Check that the correct baud rate |
5 (0x05) |
Message too long |
The message received from the I/O Device is too long. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to an I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. Contact Technical Support for this product. if the error continues. |
6 (0x06) |
Invalid checksum |
The checksum in the received message does not match the calculated value. Check that the correct baud rate, parity, stop bits, and data bits are specified in the Citect Ports form. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to the I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. You can also try increasing the number of retries in the Retry parameter for the protocol. |
7 (0x07) |
Start of text missing |
A start of text (STX) character is not present in the received message. Check that the correct baud rate, parity, stop bits, and data bits are specified in the Citect Ports form. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to the I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. |
8 (0x08) |
End of text missing |
An end of text (ETX) character is not present in the received message. Check that the correct baud rate, parity, stop bits, and data bits are specified in the Citect Ports form. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to the I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. |
10 (0x0A) |
Cannot transmit message |
CitectSCADA cannot transmit the message. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to an I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. |
11 (0x0B) |
Cannot reset serial driver |
An error has occurred with the serial (COMxI, PCXI, or COMx) driver. Try re-booting the computer to reset drivers and hardware. |
12 (0x0C) |
Length of request inconsistent |
The length of a request is not consistent with the driver's requirements. |
15 (0x0F) |
Command from server invalid |
The command from the server is invalid. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
16 (0x10) |
Cannot allocate timer resource for driver |
Driver timer resources cannot be allocated. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
17 (0x11) |
Too many channels specified for driver |
Too many channels have been specified for the device. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
18 (0x12) |
Channel number from server not opened |
The channel number from the server is not open. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
19 (0x13) |
Command cannot be cancelled |
A driver command cannot be cancelled. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
20 (0x14) |
Channel not on-line |
The channel is not on-line. This error can occur if timeouts are occurring, and may be caused by a disconnected cable to an I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. |
21 (0x15) |
Timeout error |
No response was received from the I/O Device within the specified timeout period. This error may be caused by a disconnected cable to the I/O Device or by excessive noise on the communication link. You can try increasing the number of retries in the Retry parameter for the protocol. |
22 (0x16) |
I/O Device number from server not active or out of range |
The I/O Device number from the server is not active or is out of range. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
23 (0x17) |
I/O Device not on-line |
Check that the I/O Device Address specified in the Citect I/O Devices form is the same as that configured on the I/O Device. |
24 (0x18) |
Data type from server unknown to driver |
The data type from the server is unknown to the driver. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
25 (0x19) |
I/O Device type from server unknown to driver |
The I/O Device type from the server is unknown to the driver. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
26 (0x1A) |
Too many I/O Devices specified for channel |
Too many I/O Devices have been specified for the channel. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
27 (0x1B) |
Too many commands issued to driver |
Too many commands have been issued to the driver. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
28 (0x1C) |
Data read invalid |
The data read is not valid. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
29 (0x1D) |
Command is cancelled |
A driver command has been cancelled. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
30 (0x1E) |
Address invalid or out of range |
The address you tried to access has an invalid data type or is out of range. Check that you are using data types and ranges of addresses that are valid for the I/O Device. |
31 (0x1F) |
Data length from server incorrect |
The data length from the server is wrong. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
32 (0x20) |
Cannot read data from device |
CitectSCADA cannot read the data from the I/O Device. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
33 (0x21) |
Device specified does not exist |
The device specified does not exist. Contact Technical Support for this product. |
34 (0x22) |
Device specified does not support interrupt |
The I/O Device specified does not support interrupt handling. You have specified an interrupt, either on the Boards form or by setting the PollTime parameter to 0, for a hardware device that does not support interrupts. Check the interrupt set for the board and set the PollTime parameter for the protocol. |