Technical Reference > Parameters Overview > Rules for using parameters

Rules for using parameters

You need to observe the following rules when using parameters:

To set parameters in the project database:

  1. Choose System | Parameters.
  2. Enter the Section Name of the parameter.
  3. Enter the Name of the parameter.
  4. Enter a value for the parameter.
  5. Add the record to the database.

To set parameters in the local citect.ini file:

  1. Locate the parameter in Help.
  2. Use the button (below the default value) to edit the value.
  3. Note: The current value of the parameter is displayed in the dialog field. (If the dialog field is blank, the parameter is set to its default value)

    or -

  4. Use a text Editor to Edit the citect.ini file.
  5. Enter the parameter in the following format: