Using CitectSCADA > Using Devices > Formatting Data in the Device > SQL devices
SQL devices

You need to create the SQL database by an external application before it can be used.

If you edit a dBASE or SQL device record (in an existing project), the associated physical device is not edited. For example, if the device is a dBASE type device and you add an extra field in the device, the extra field is not added to existing database files (when you run CitectSCADA).

If you want to make changes to the file structure of an existing database and retain existing data, you need to manually edit the data using dBASE, Excel or some other database tool.

If you want to make changes to the file structure of an existing database and don’t want keep the existing data:

  1. Close the device.
  2. Manually delete the device file.
  3. Make your modifications.
  4. Open the device.
  5. When the device is opened no device file is available and a new data file is created with the necessary changes.

See Also