The following properties can be used for every alarm type. Remember, the return value relates to the description. For example, for a digital, if 1 is returned, that means the description is TRUE, whereas 0 (zero) means it is FALSE.
Property |
Description |
Return Type |
.On* |
Alarm active |
Digital |
.Ack |
Alarm acknowledged |
Digital |
.Category |
Alarm category | Integer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
.ComBreak |
For Multi-Digital alarms, the property is set to 1 if the device cannot read data from the underlying tag at start-up for a time greater than [Alarm]ArgyleTagValueTimeout value. The property is set to 0 and re-alarms the corresponding alarm, when the alarm server receives valid data from the device. For every Disabled and Display Disabled alarms (except Time Stamped Digital and Time Stamped Analog alarms) the property is set to 1, when they are being Enabled. The property is set to 0 and re-alarms the corresponding alarm, when the alarm server receives valid data from the device. |
Digital | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
.Custom1 |
Custom Field. |
String(64 bytes) |
.Disabled |
Alarm disabled (see note below) |
Digital |
.Millisec | The milliseconds part of the time the alarm was triggered | Long | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
.Name |
Alarm name |
String (80 bytes) |
.Paging |
Alarm paged |
Boolean |
.PagingGroup |
Paging group alarm belongs to. |
String (80 bytes) |
.Priority |
Alarm priority |
Integer |
.State |
Alarm's state value. An alarm state value is a combination of state enumeration and action bit masks described below: State enumerations
Alarm action masks
For Example: A digital alarm called "AlmDigital1" that is ON and unacknowledged, the value of the state property will be: AlmDigital1.State = 1 (ON state) + 256 (Unacknowledged alarm) = 257 |
.Tag |
Alarm tag | String (80 bytes) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
.Time |
32-bit value of the time the alarm was triggered |
Long |
* The .On property for Analog alarms is true if any alarms associated with the alarm tag are active.
Note: Once an alarm is disabled, it cannot
be re-enabled unless you use the function AlarmEnable()
or AlarmEnableRec()
For digital alarms, time-stamped digital alarms,
and advanced
alarms, the following properties can also be
Property |
Description |
Return Type |
.Desc |
Alarm description |
String (128 bytes) |
.Delay |
Alarm delay |
Long |
Note: Desc exists for every alarm type but will not return meaningful data for analog or time-stamped analog alarms. Desc returns an empty string that indicates whether the read succeeded; the write indicates that the tag was resolved and that the write request was sent.
For analog alarms and time-stamped analog alarms, the following properties can also be used:
Property |
Description |
Return Type |
.DevDelay |
Deviation delay |
Long |
.DeadBand |
Deadband |
Real |
.Deviation |
Deviation |
Real |
.HighHigh |
High High |
Real |
.High |
High |
Real |
.LowLow |
Low Low |
Real |
.Low |
Low |
Real |
.HHDelay |
High High delay |
Long |
.HDelay |
High delay |
Long |
.LDelay |
Low delay |
Long |
.LLDelay |
Low Low delay |
Long |
.Rate |
Rate |
Real |
.Setpoint | Setpoint | Real |
.Value |
Alarm tag Value
Real |
For the digital properties below, only one can be true at any point in time for each alarm. They are arranged in order of priority, from lowest to highest.
.DVL |
Deviation alarm triggered (Low) |
Digital |
.DVH |
Deviation alarm triggered (High) |
Digital |
.R |
Rate of Change alarm triggered |
Digital |
.L |
Low alarm triggered |
Digital |
.H |
High alarm triggered |
Digital |
.LL |
Low Low alarm triggered |
Digital |
.HH |
High High alarm triggered |
Digital |
Note: DVL and DVH are only evaluated if Deviation > 0. R is only evaluated if Rate > 0.
Some alarm properties return configuration data. If the user has not defined this information, the following defaults are provided:
Property |
Default |
.Setpoint |
0 |
.HighHigh |
3.4e+38 |
.High |
3.4e+38 |
.LowLow |
-3.4e+38 |
.Low |
-3.4e+38 |
.Rate |
0 |
.Deviation |
0 |
.Deadband |
0 |
.Category |
0 |
.Priority |
0 |
See Also