Using CitectSCADA > Securing Projects > Configuring Security > Using areas with privileges

Using multiple areas with privileges

By combining area and privilege restrictions, you can select what control an operator has within a specific area. You can still assign privileges to each of your operators without using areas - to allow them access to the entire plant (global privileges), but by combining Areas and Privileges, you add an extra level of flexibility.

User Name

J Smith

Global Privilege


Viewable Areas


Areas for Priv 1

Areas for Priv 2

Areas for Priv 3


Areas for Priv 4


Areas for Priv 5

DespatchAccum, 11

Areas for Priv 6

Areas for Priv 7

Areas for Priv 8


Login for John

In this first example, John Smith has been assigned the role of Despatch Handler. This role has global privileges 1 and 2. Privilege 3 in the "Despatch" areas (10, 11, and 12), privilege 4 in the "DespatchAccum" area (10) and privilege 5 in areas 10 and 11. This means he can:

Also, in this example, Groups and Labels have been used to make the security configuration intuitive.

Example 2:

User Name

J Smith

Global Privilege

Viewable Areas


Areas for Priv 1


Areas for Priv 2

Areas for Priv 3


Areas for Priv 4


Areas for Priv 5

DespatchAccum, 11

Areas for Priv 6

Areas for Priv 7

Areas for Priv 8


Login for John

In this second example John Smith has been assigned the role of Despatch Handler. This role has no global privileges. Viewable areas, (7,8,9). Privilege 3 in the "Despatch" areas (10, 11, and 12), privilege 4 in the "DespatchAccum" area (10) and privilege 5 in areas 10 and 11. This means he can:

See Also