 Change View 
Using CitectSCADA > Defining and Drawing Graphics Pages > Creating a New Graphics Page > Working with pages

Working with pages

To open an existing page:

  1. Click Open, or choose File | Open.
  2. Choose Type: Page.
  3. Select the Project where the page is stored.
  4. Select the Page.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Note: To delete a page from the project, select the page name and click Delete.

To save the current page:

  1. Click Save, or choose File | Save.
  2. Select the Project in which to store the page. (The first eight characters of the name needs to be unique to this page.)
  3. Click OK.

To save the current page with a new name:

  1. Choose File | Save As.
  2. Select the project in which the page is stored.
  3. Enter a name for the page in Page (64 characters maximum). The first eight characters of the name needs to be unique to this page.
  4. Click OK.

To save current pages that are open

See Also

To locate a graphics page:

  1. Choose File | Find.
  2. Select a project from the Project Name list.
  3. Browse through the pages in the Pages list.
  4. Click OK to view the page.

See Also

To print a graphics page on your printer:

To close an existing page: