Declaring I/O Boards

Below are the main services to declaring I/O Boards.


paCreateIOBoard - Create an instance of an IO device
paSetIOBoardComment - Set description text for an IO device
paSetIOBoardParam - Set a parameter of an IO board
paSetIOAlias - Define an alias for a channel of an IO board

Working with existing I/O boards:

paEnumIOBoards - Enumerate IO boards
paGetIOBoardDesc - GetDescription of an IO board
paDeleteIOBoard - Delete an instance of an IO device
paDeleteAllIOBoards - Delete all IO devices

Below are details about these functions:

paCreateIOBoard - Create an instance of an IO device

OK := paCreateIOBoard (SLOT, DEVTYPE)


SLOT : DINT; Slot number (0..255)
DEVTYPE : STRING; Name of the type of IO device
OK : BOOL; True if successful


This function creates an instance of the specified IO device at the specified slot number

other functions

paSetIOBoardComment - Set the description an IO device

OK := paSetIOBoardComment (SLOT, COMM)


SLOT : DINT; Slot number (0..255)
COMM : STRING; Description text
OK : BOOL; True if successful


This function sets the comment text of the specified instance of an IO device.

other functions

paSetIOBoardParam - Set the value of a parameter of an IO device

OK := paSetIOBoardComment (SLOT, COMM)


BOARD : STRING; Board name (e.g. '%QX0')
PARAM : STRING; Name of the parameter
VALUE : STRING; Value of the parameter
OK : BOOL; True if successful


This function sets the value of an IO board parameter. Refer to OEM instruction for details about available parameters.

other functions

paSetIOAlias - Define an alias for an IO channel

OK := paSetIOBoardComment (SLOT, COMM)


CHANNEL : STRING; Channel name (e.g. '%QX0.1')
ALIAS : STRING; Readable name to be used as an alias for the channel
OK : BOOL; True if successful


This function defines a readable name for the specified IO channel. The alias can then be used in place of the "%" name in programs.

other functions

paEnumIOBoards - Enumerate IO boards of the target project

function block: Inst_paEnumIOBoard (LOAD, CHECK, ITEM, FILTER)

Input parameters:

LOAD : TRUE; If TRUE, load the list of boards
CHECK : BOOL; If TRUE, open a checklist box to select some of the loaded boards
ITEM : DINT; Index of the item wanted on input (1 based)


NB : DINT; Number of boards
Q : STRING; Name of the item selected with "ITEM"


This function block is used for enumerating the IO boards of the target project. You must first call it with LOAD input at TRUE in order to load the list of IO boards. You get the number of boards in the NB output. Then call it again with LOAD at FALSE and specifying the index of the wished structure in the ITEM input to get the name of the selected item in the Q output. The numbering of items starts at 1.

For complex IO devices, only the child boards of the device are listed. The complex device itself does not occur in the list.

After loading, if can call again the block with the CHECK input at TRUE for opening a dialog box where the user can check wished boards. After the box is closed, only checked items remain in the loaded list.


    // "ENU" is a declared instance of paEnumIOBoard function block
    // load all boards
    ENU (TRUE, FALSE, 0);
    // open a dialog box for the user to check wished items
    // enumerate checked items
    for i := 1 to ENU.NB do
        // select the item "i"
        ENU (FALSE, FALSE, i);
        // get the name of the item specified by "i"
        sBoardName := ENU.Q;

other functions

paGetIOBoardDesc - Get information about an IO board

function block: Inst_paGetIOBoardDesc (NAME)

Input parameters:

NAME : STRING; Name of the board (e.g. '%QX0')


OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful
NBCHANNEL : DINT; Number of channels
DEVNAME : STRING; IO Device name
DEVGROUP : STRING; In case of a complex IO device, name of the group within the device
COMMENT : STRING Description text


This function block is for getting information about an IO board of the target project.

other functions

paDeleteIOBoard - Delete an instance of an IO device

OK := paDeleteIOBoard (SLOT)


SLOT : DINT; Slot number (0..255)
OK : BOOL; True if successful


This function deletes the specified instance of an IO device. In case of a complex device, the whole device (with all its groups) is removed.

other functions

paDeleteAllIOBoards - Delete all instances of IO devices

OK := paDeleteAllIOBoards ()


OK : BOOL; True if successful


This function deletes all the existing instances of any IO device.

other functions