Networking and fieldbuses - file writing services

Below are the main services for writing configuration files for networking or fieldbus I/O drivers. Files are open using specific functions. When complete, they must be closed by calling the paFileClose function.

- Functions for MODBUS configuration:

paFileOpenWriteModbus - Open the MODBUS configuration for writing
paFModbusSlave - Configurate the MODBUS slave connection
paFModbusMaster - Create a MODBUS master connection
paFModbusRequestSlave - Add a MODBUS request on the slave connection
paFModbusRequestMaster - Add a MODBUS request on a master connection
paFModbusVariable - Add a MODBUS variable to the last declared request

- Functions for AS-i configuration:

paFileOpenWriteASi - Open the AS-i configuration for writing
paFAsiApplyConfig - Set main flag
paFAsiMaster - Add a master device
paFAsiMasterDiag - Add a diagnostic variable on the last declared master
paFAsiSlave - Add a slave device
paFAsiSlaveDiag - Add a diagnostic variable on the last declared slave
paFAsiInput - Add an input variable on the last declared slave
paFAsiOutput - Add an output variable on the last declared slave

- Functions for other fieldbus drivers:

paFileOpenWriteFieldbus - Open a feldbus configuration for writing
paFfbCreateMaster - Add a "master" node
paFfbCreateSlave - Add a "slave" node
paFfbCreateVar - Add a "variable node
paFfbSetProperty - Set the the value of a property
paFfbSelectRoot - Select the root node
paFfbSelectMaster - Select a "master" node
paFfbSelectSlave - Select a "slave" node
paFfbSelectVar - Select a "variable node

- Functions for the binding configuration:

paFileOpenWriteBinding - Open the binding configuration for writing
paFbindPublicVar - Add a public variable
- Add an extern port
paFbindCnxStatus - Add a connection status variable
- Add an extern variable
paFbindVarStatus - Add a status variable
- Add a date stamp variable
paFbindVarTimeStamp - Add a time stamp variable

paFileOpenWriteModbus - Open the MODBUS configuration for writing

FID := paFileOpenWriteModbus ()


FID : DINT; File identifier or 0 if fail


This function opens the MODBUS configuration file for writing. This functions removes the contents of the configuration if it already exist. When written, the file must be closed by calling the paFileClose function.

other functions

paFModbusSlave - Set the MODBUS slave configuration

OK := paFModbusSlave (FID, SLAVENO)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteModbus function
SLAVENO : DINT; Default slave number for the MODBUS Slave server
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function defines the slave number used for the MODBUS slave server.

other functions

paFModbusMaster - Add a MODBUS master port



FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteModbus function
OPENMODBUS : BOOL; TRUE = Open Modbus protocol / FALSE = RTU protocol
ADDRESS : STRING; Configuration of the port or IP address
PORT : DINT; IP port number in case of MODBUS on ETHERNET
RECONNECT : BOOL; Option: tries to reconnect after error
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a new MODBUS master connection to the configuration.

other functions

paFModbusRequestSlave - Add a MODBUS slave request



FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteModbus function
REQUEST : STRING; Type of request (see notes)
NBITEM : DINT; Number of items (bits or words)
NAME : STRING; Optionnal description text
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a new MODBUS slave request. You can define variables of the request just after calling this function.

Warning: This function does not take care of address offsets defined by MODBUS. The first available address is always 0.

The following values are possible for the REQUEST parameter:

_MB_I_REG Input registers
_MB_H_REG Holding registers
_MB_I_BIT Input bits
_MB_C_BIT Coil bits

other functions

paFModbusRequestMaster - Add a MODBUS master request

                              PERIOD, TIMEOUT, TRIALS, NAME)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteModbus function
MODE : STRING; Activation mode (see notes)
REQUEST : STRING; Type of request (see notes)
SLAVENO : DINT; Slave number of the device
NBITEM : DINT; Number of items (bits or words)
PERIOD : TIME; Activation period (for periodic requests)
TIMEOUT : TIME; Exchange timeout
TRIALS : DINT; Number of successive trials
NAME : STRING; Optionnal description text
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a new MODBUS master request. You can define variables of the request just after calling this function.

Warning: This function does not take care of address offsets defined by MODBUS. The first available address is always 0.

The following values are possible for the MODE parameter:

_MB_PERIODIC Request activated periodically
_MB_ONCALL Request activated by a variable
_MB_ONCHANGE Request activated on a change of data (for "write" requests)

The following values are possible for the REQUEST parameter:

_MB_READ_I_REG Read Input registers
_MB_READ_H_REG Read Holding registers
_MB_WRITE_H_REG Write Holding registers
_MB_READ_I_BIT Read Input bits
_MB_READ_C_BIT Read Coil bits
_MB_WRITE_C_BIT Write Coil bits

other functions

paFModbusVariable - Add a MODBUS variable



FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteModbus function
MODE : STRING; Exchange mode (see notes)
OFFSET : DINT; Offset in the request
MASK : DINT; Mask for data exchange
TWOWORDS : BOOL; TRUE if data stored on 2 consecutive words
SYMBOL : STRING; Symbol of the variable
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function connects a variable to the request defined by the last call to paFileModbusRequestSlave or paFileModbusRequestMaster functions.

The following values are possible for the MODE parameter:

_MB_DATA Data exchange
_MB_STATUS The variable receives the connection status
_MB_COMMAND The variable is used for activating the request
_MB_TRIAL The variable receives the current trial number

other functions

paFileOpenWriteASi - Open the AS-i configuration for writing

FID := paFileOpenWriteASi ()


FID : DINT; File identifier or 0 if fail


This function opens the AS-i configuration file for writing. This functions removes the contents of the configuration if it already exist. When written, the file must be closed by calling the paFileClose function.

other functions

paFAsiApplyConfig - Set AS-i configuration main flags

OK := paFAsiApplyConfig (FID, APPLY)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteASi function
APPLY : BOOL; If TRUE, the AS-i configuration is applied when the runtime stats
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function sets the main AS-i configuration flags for applying the AS-i configuration at runtime.

other functions

paFAsiMaster - Add an AS-i master

OK := paFAsiMaster (FID, NAME, SETTINGS)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteASi function
NAME : STRING; Description text
SETTINGS : STRING; AS-i controiller configuration string
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a master device to the AS-i configuration. AS-i slaves and diagnostic variables for this master must be added just after calling this function.

other functions

paFAsiMasterDiag - Add an AS-i master diagnostic variable

OK := paFAsiMasterDiag (FID, NAME, DIAG)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteASi function
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the variable
DIAG : DINT; Wished diagnostic information
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a diagnostic variable to the last declared AS-i master.

The possible values are available for the DIAG parameter:

_ASI_M_CONFOK Configuration OK
_ASI_M_SLV0 Slave detected at address 0
_ASI_M_AUTOACT Auto-addressing is active
_ASI_M_AUTOAV Auto-addressing is available
_ASI_M_CNFACT Configuration is active
_ASI_M_NORMAL Normal mode
_ASI_M_PWFAIL Power fail detected
_ASI_M_OFFLINE Off Line mode

other functions

paFAsiSlave - Add an AS-i slave



FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteASi function
NAME : STRING; Description text
ADDRESS : DINT; AS-i slave address
PROFILE : STRING; Slave profile written in AS-i convention: 'H.H.H.H' (hexadecimal digits)
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a slave device under the last declared AS-i master. AS-i variables for this master must be added for this slave just after calling this function.

other functions

paFAsiSlaveDiag - Add an AS-i master diagnostic variable

OK := paFAsiSlaveDiag (FID, NAME, DIAG)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteASi function
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the variable
DIAG : DINT; Wished diagnostic information
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a diagnostic variable to the last declared AS-i slave.

The possible values are available for the DIAG parameter:

_ASI_S_ACT Slave active
_ASI_S_DET Slave detected
_ASI_S_PRJ Slave projected
_ASI_S_COR Slave corrupted
_ASI_S_FLT Periphery fault

other functions

paFAsiInput - Add an AS-i input variable

OK := paFAsiInput (FID, NAME, OFFSET)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteASi function
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the variable
OFFSET : DINT; Input number (1 to 4) or 0 for all inputs in a byte
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds an input variable to the last declared AS-i slave.

other functions

paFAsiOutput - Add an AS-i output variable

OK := paFAsiOutput (FID, NAME, OFFSET)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteASi function
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the variable
OFFSET : DINT; Output number (1 to 4) or 0 for all inputs in a byte
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds an output variable to the last declared AS-i slave.

other functions

paFileOpenWriteFieldbus - Open the AS-i configuration for writing

FID := paFileOpenWriteFieldbus (CONFIG)


CONFIG : STRING Type of fieldbus - see notes
FID : DINT; File identifier or 0 if fail


This function opens the selected fieldbus configuration file for writing. This functions removes the contents of the configuration if it already exist. When written, the file must be closed by calling the paFileClose function.

The "CONFIG" string is the prefix of the wizard DLL used for configuration. Available DLLs are stored in the "\IOD" folder where the Workbench is installed. You can also get the list of available configurations from the "Prompt" tab in the output window. For that, enter the following "?FB" command. Below is an example:

Fieldbus configuration wizards:
K5BusAppIO: ApplicomIO configuration
K5BusCAN: CAN bus
K5BusHMS: Anybus configuration
K5BusINTERBUS: Interbus-S
K5BusIOTools: Brodersen IOTOOLS
K5BusProfDP: Hilscher CIF Profibus
K5BusShm: Win32 Shared memory
K5BusSoftNet: SoftNet ProfibusDP
K5BusSycon: Hilscher SYCON configuration
K5ThinkIO: ThinkIO/IOSystem 758
K5ZenOnRT: Runtime to zenOn RT connection

other functions

paFfbCreateMaster - Add a "master" node

OK := paFfbCreateMaster (FID)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a "master" node to the configuration.

other functions

paFfbCreateSlave - Add a "slave" node

OK := paFfbCreateSlave (FID)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a "slave" node to the configuration. The node is added under the last created or selected "master" node.

other functions

paFfbCreateVar - Add a "variable" node

OK := paFfbCreateVar (FID)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a "variable" node to the configuration. The node is added under the last created or selected "slave" node.

other functions

paFfbSetProperty - Set the value of a property

OK := paFfbSetProperty (FID, PROP, VALUE)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
PROP : STRING Internal name of the property - see notes
VALUE : STRING Value of the propery in neutral format - see notes
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a "variable" node to the configuration. The node is added under the last created or selected "slave" node.

The name of the property must be entered in "neutral" form, independently from the language selected for the Workbench. Also, for a check box or a drop-list property, you need to enter the value in neutral form, and not as displayed in the fieldbus configuration tool. To know the relationship in between neutral and displayed names and values, go to the "Prompt" tab in the output window and hit the "?FB" Command followed by the name of the configuration. This command lists all properties for each level of the selected configuration tree, giving neutral names and readable names, and lists all possible neutral values for boolean and enumerated properties. Example of syntax:

>?FB K5BusCan

other functions

paFfbSelectRoot - Selects the root node

OK := paFfbSelectRoot (FID)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function selects the root node of the configuration tree. The root node is automatically selected when the file is open. Selecting a node is required for setting its properties or adding child nodes. It is not work to select a node immediately after its creation.

other functions

paFfbSelectMaster - Selects a "master" node

OK := paFfbSelectMaster (FID, MASTER)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
MASTER : DINT 1-based index in the list of master nodes
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function selects a "master" in the configuration tree. Selecting a node is required for setting its properties or adding child nodes. It is not work to select a node immediately after its creation.

other functions

paFfbSelectSlave - Selects a "slave" node

OK := paFfbSelectSlave (FID, MASTER, SLAVE)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
MASTER : DINT 1-based index of the parent master node
SLAVE : DINT 1-based index in the list of slave nodes for the selected parent master
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function selects a "slave" in the configuration tree. Selecting a node is required for setting its properties or adding child nodes. It is not work to select a node immediately after its creation.

other functions

paFfbSelectVar - Selects a "Variable" node



FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteFieldbus function
MASTER : DINT 1-based index of the parent master node
SLAVE : DINT 1-based index of the parent slave node
VARIABLE : DINT 1-based index in the list of variable nodes for the selected parent slave
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function selects a "variable" in the configuration tree. Selecting a node is required for setting its properties or adding child nodes. It is not work to select a node immediately after its creation.

other functions

paFileOpenWriteBinding - Open the binding configuration for writing

FID := paFileOpenWriteBinding ()


FID : DINT; File identifier or 0 if fail


This function opens the binding configuration file for writing. This functions removes the contents of the configuration if it already exist. When written, the file must be closed by calling the paFileClose function.

other functions

paFbindPublicVar - add a published variable to the binding configuration

FID := paFbindPubilcVar (FID, ID, NAME, HYSTP, HYSTN)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteBinding function
ID : DINT; ID of the binding link
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the variable
HYSTP : STRING; Positive hysteresis in IEC syntax (or empty string)
HYSTN : STRING; Negative hysteresis in IEC syntax (or empty string)
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a public variable in the binding configuration.

other functions

paFbindExternPort - add an external port to the binding configuration

FID := paFbindExternPort (FID, ADDR, PORT, NAME)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteBinding function
ADDR : STRING; IP address
PORT : DINT; IP port number
NAME : STRING Optional description text
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function adds a public variable in the binding configuration. Immediately after calling this function, you can use other functions to declare external bound variables.

other functions

paFbindCnxStatus - binds a variable to the connection status of the last declared port

FID := paFbindCnxStatus (FID, NAME)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteBinding function
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the bound variable
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function binds a variable for getting the connection status. The variable is bound to external port declared by the last call to the paFbindExternPort function.

other functions

paFbindExternVar - binds a variable to the last declared port

FID := paFbindExternVar (FID, ID, NAME)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteBinding function
ID : DINT; ID of the binding link
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the bound variable
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function binds a variable for data exchange. The variable is bound to external port declared by the last call to the paFbindExternPort function.

other functions

paFbindVarStatus - binds a status variable to the last declared port

FID := paFbindVarStatus (FID, ID, NAME)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteBinding function
ID : DINT; ID of the binding link
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the bound variable
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function binds a variable for getting the status of a binding link. The variable is bound to external port declared by the last call to the paFbindExternPort function.

other functions

paFbindVarDateStamp - binds a date stamp variable to the last declared port

FID := paFbindVarDateStamp (FID, ID, NAME)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteBinding function
ID : DINT; ID of the binding link
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the bound variable
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function binds a variable for getting the date stamp of a binding link. The variable is bound to external port declared by the last call to the paFbindExternPort function.

other functions

paFbindVarTimeStamp - binds a time stamp variable to the last declared port

FID := paFbindVarTimeStamp (FID, ID, NAME)


FID : DINT; File identifier returned by the paFileOpenWriteBinding function
ID : DINT; ID of the binding link
NAME : STRING; Symbol of the bound variable
OK : BOOL; TRUE if successful


This function binds a variable for getting the time stamp of a binding link. The variable is bound to external port declared by the last call to the paFbindExternPort function.

other functions