Export / Import projects

The Workbench enbales you to archive projects for exchanging them. An archive is a unique compressed ZIP file that contains all the files of a project.

Use the commands of the "File" menu in the main window to save the project to a ZIP file or open a project from a ZIP file.

When you export a project, you can select to embed in the archive the definition of the OEM library elements (I/O devices, "C" functions and function blocks) referenced in the project. It is recommended to check this option if you are using custom functions, blocks or I/O devices that may not be installed on other machines.

When you import a ZIP archive, the workbench  builds a new project where the archive is decompressed. You can select the name of the created project and its location on the disk. If you decide to import to your local library the OEM library items embedded in the archive, you will have to confirm the copy in case of an overwrite. You can select in which OEM library you want to put imported library elements.

Note that it is not possible to overwrite in the import library an item currently defined in another library.