Function Block - Down-counting stop watch.


IN : BOOL   The time counts when this input is TRUE
RST : BOOL  Timer is reset to PT when this input is TRUE
PT : TIME   Programmed time


Q : BOOL   Timer elapsed output signal
ET : TIME  Elapsed time

Time diagram


The timer counts up when the IN input is TRUE. It stops when the programmed time is elapsed. The timer is reset when the RST input is TRUE. It is not reset when IN is false.

ST Language

(* MyTimer is a declared instance of TMD function block *)
MyTimer (IN, RST, PT);
Q := MyTimer.Q;
ET := MyTimer.ET;

FBD Language

LD Language

IL Language:

(* MyTimer is a declared instance of TMD function block *)
Op1: CAL MyTimer (IN, RST, PT)
     LD  MyTimer.Q
     ST  Q
     LD  MyTimer.ET
     ST  ET

See also