Weihenstephan standard - Client configuration

The workbench includes a fully integrated configurator for Weihenstephan standard client protocol. Please refer to the following topics in that page for detailed information on how to use and configurate the protocol:

Data exchange
Data types

Data exchange - configuration:

The T5 runtime manages a intermediate variable map representing Weihenstephan data to read or write. A dedicated configuration tool is integrated in the Workbench. Run it using the "File / Open / Fieldbus Configuration" menu command from the main window. Then select the "Weihenstephan client" configuration.

The configuration is represented as a tree:

- Weihenstephan client configuration
  - Server (*)
    - Group (*)
      - Exchanged Variable (*)

(*) The items with this mark can appear several times in the configuration.


You need to configurate the network in order to exchange variables. A Weihenstephan server is identified by its IP address and its port number (usually 5000). Connections to multiple servers can be defined. Groups can be freely defined in order to arrange linked variables.

For each linked variable you have to enter:

- its symbol (the IEC1131 variable)
- its tag number according to Weihenstephan standard
- its type according to Weihenstephan standard
- its tag name in the Weihenstephan server
- an access mode (read or write)
- possibly a bit number for a single bit information within a HEX32 tag

When specifying the access mode, the following options are possible:

Read The variable is read from the server
Write The variable is sent to the server
Nb. Err. The variable receives as a status information the number of errors (invalid tags) detected during the last exchange poll.
Err. Code The variable receives as a status information the error code of the first error detected during the last exchange poll. The error code complies to Weihenstephan standard conventions.
Err. Tag The variable receives as a status information the tag number related to the first error detected during the last exchange poll.

Alternatively, when a server is selected in the configuration tree, you can use the following commands from the contextual popup menu:

    - Import device XML configuration

This command browses the disk for the XML file defining the configuration of the device server.

    - Upload device configuration

This command connects to the server and automatically read the configuration of the device through ETHERNET.

After both Import or Upload, a box is open and shows all available tags of the read configuration. Here you can select which tag you want to keep in the configuration tree. Groups are automatically created according to the Weihenstephan standard conventions.

In the tag selection box, you can check the "Declare variables for checked items". This automatically declares IEC1131 variables for all selected tags. Declared variables have the same name as the corresponding tags.

Data types:

You can freely map a variable of any data type to an I/O. The runtime automatically converts the value to the type of the variable. However, for a "STRING16" tag, you need to connect a variable declared as STRING. All basic data types are supported.