XFlow I/O configuration

The workbench includes a fully integrated configurator for virtual I/O exchange with NAPAC's XFlow. XFlow virtual I/Os are available in the T5 runtime for Windows XP.

Data exchange
Importing symbols from XFlow
Data types

Data exchange - configuration:

The T5 runtime maps its variables to any XFlow variable. A dedicated configuration tool is integrated in the Workbench. Run it using the "File / Open / Fieldbus Configuration" menu command from the main window. Then select the "XFlow" configuration.

The configuration is represented as a tree:

- configuration
  - XFlow database (*)
    - Group (*)
      - Exchanged Variable (*)

(*) The items with this mark can appear several times in the configuration.


    A- XFlow database

First you must declare an instance of a XFlow database. The instance is identified by the IP address of the machine when it is running. Use "LOCAL" local IP address if XFlow is running on the same machine as the runtime. The runtime can connect to distant XFlow over the network. You can declare several instances of XFlow within the same configuration.

Additionally you must specify the name of a valid XFlow task for accepting the connection. The default "T5XP" task name is proposed. This task must be declared in the advanced configuration of XFlow, without any EXE or DLL attached.

    B- Groups

Within a database, variables can be freely arranged in groups. The number of groups is not limited and has no particular effect on the runtime operations.

    C- Variables

The identification of a XFlow variable is done using its name in the XFlow database. If you do not enter anything for the "XFlow name", then the symbol of the variable is used.

If you specify "<status>" as a XFlow name, then the variable will receive the status of the connection to XFLOW (0 = OK).

If the "Must exist" option is checked, the system checks that the variable exists in XFlow. In that case, the runtime will not start if the variable is not found. If this option is not checked, the runtime starts anyway and the variable can be created later from XFlow.

Then you must select an data exchange mode for the variable. Possible choices are:

input The value of the variable is systematically copied from XFlow to the runtime.
output The value of the variable is copied from the runtime to XFlow. Copy is performed on the first cycle, then on each change of the variable.
in / out Bidirectional access. The runtime use the following algorithm for data exchange:
    if value has changed in the runtime (*)
        copy from the runtime to memory
        copy from memory to the runtime
(*) On the first scan, the value is considered as changed if not 0.
alarm status The alarm status of the variable is systematically copied from XFlow to the runtime.

Note: actual exchanges with XFlow are performed asynchronously in a separate low priority thread in order not to disturb the cycle time.

Importing symbols from XFlow

Alternatively you can directly import the definition of exchanged variables from XFlow. To do this, select a XFlow database in the configuration tree and run the "Import XFlow symbols" from the context menu. This supposes that the selected instance of XFlow is currently running.

At import, the whole configuration of the selected XFlow database is overwritten with imported XFlow symbols. Corresponding SRTATON variables are automatically declared in the project.

Data types:

You can freely map a variable of any data type to an I/O. The runtime automatically converts the value to the type of the variable. STRING variables are not supported.