
AddVariable(tpCalculation As tpArvVarCal,pSourceArchive As ArchiveED,vNameOrId As Variant) As ArchiveVarED


tpCalculation As tpArvVarCal
Defines the calculation mode, if the archive type is a following archive.

Hint For further information, please have a look at the Calculation property within the "ArchiveVariable" part.
pSourceArchive As ArchiveED
Specifies the source archive, if the archive is a following archive of passed source archive.

Pass "Nothing", if it the archive is not a following archive.

Pass an "ArchiveED" object of an existing archive, if the archive is a following one.
vNameOrId As Variant
ID or name of the corresponding "Variable" object that should be assigned to the "ArchiveVarED" object.

If the parameter is a numerical value, the dynamic element is searched by the ID of the "Variable" object.
If it is an alphanumerical value, the dynamic element is searched by its unique name.
not used


Adds an "Variable" object to the collection, which results in the return of an "ArchiveVarED" object.

See Also

ArchiveED, ArchiveVarED