

Remarks Properties Methods Events Samples

not used


The CEL Object represents the "Chronologival Event List" an offers the feature to write user defined Events into the list or react on entries in the list... There are some methods and events implemented, to see how they are working look at the Sample below or take a detailed look at the objects properties...




CelItems WriteCelString WriteCelStringEx


CelItemAdded CelListSelectionChanged  


'### this Code can be used within the 'thisProject'	 ###
'### object class, because of the project events!	 ###
'Declare Objects to get the Events...
Dim WithEvents zCEL As Cel
Dim WithEvents zCELPIC As DynPicture
Dim bCEL As Boolean

'### Project Events - START/END of the zenOn Runtime	###
Private Sub Project_Active()
	'Init picture pbjects to get Open/Close events of the pictures
	Set zCELPIC = thisProject.DynPictures.Item("CEL")
End Sub

Private Sub Project_Inactive()
	'release objects
	Set zCELPIC = Nothing
End Sub

'### Procedures/Events for the Chronological event list ###
Private Sub zCELPIC_Open()
	'boolen flag to remember the open event
	bCEL = True
	'init CEL Object to get the CelListSelectionChanged event
	Set zCEL = thisProject.Cel
End Sub

Private Sub zCELPIC_Close()
	'release object
	Set zCEL = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub zCEL_CelListSelectionChanged(ByVal obItem As ICelItem)
	'If the boolen is TRUE, the first events can be ignored
	'because in this case the events returns the default
	'selection on opening the picture
	If bCEL = True Then
		bCEL = False
		Debug.Print "C_Changed - " & obItem.Text
	End If
End Sub