DynProperties for subitem "Curve"

MDI-Parameter ETM: Kurve

Name Type Description
Charge String
Color Long Definition of the trend curve colour for the online representation.
DayOffset Long Specifies the day offset of the curve within the diagram.
GraphName String Freely definable curve name.
GraphWidth Long Width of the line in pixels.
HasYAxis Boolean Displays the Y axis for the corresponding curve, if set TRUE. Otherwise (FALSE), the Y axis will be hidden.
HourOffset Long Specifies the hour offset of the curve within the diagram.
Index Long
IsBars Boolean The values are represented as bars instead of lines, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsExtendCurve" is set to FALSE.
IsExtendCurve Boolean The curve is lengthened from the last available datapoint to the right border, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsBars" is set to FALSE.
IsInterpolation Boolean Values are connected by poly-lines (supporting positions), if set TRUE.

Otherwise (FALSE), the value changes are shown as line jumps (stepped representation).

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsBars" is set to FALSE.
IsMonthChange Boolean
IsShow Boolean Shows the selected curve, if set TRUE. Otherwise, the curve and the corresponding Y axis will be hidden.

Hint: To hide only the Y axis, please use the DynProperty "HasYAxis".
IsTrigger Boolean
IsYearChange Boolean
LastEndTime Long
LineType Long Definition of line type for the trend curve:

0 → Solid
1 → Dashes
2 → Dots
3 → Dash-Dot
4 → Dash-Dot-Dot
MinuteOffset Long Specifies the minute offset of the curve within the diagram.
TimeFactor Long
Titel String Text for the axis labelling in the online representation.
XScan Long
YScan Long