Remarks | Properties | Methods | Samples |
The ModellShifts collection allows the access to the shifts of a time model. The single shifts consist of a number and a period of time (from/to), when the shift is active. Any number of breaks can be defined for each shift. The breaks interrupt the production and are inactive states. The period of time of a shift has to be unique, i.e. it is not possible to define a shift within a shift.
Count | Parent | Session |
CreateShift | DeleteShift | Item |
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''Reading out Count of shifts'''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub shifttest() Dim mypfs As PfsEngine Set mypfs = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Pfs Debug.Print mypfs.Groups.Item(0).TimeModells.Item(0).Shifts.Count End Sub