Remarks | Properties | Methods | Samples |
The ScheduleDay collection contains a date, on which the schedule should be executed or not. With the Type property you can find out, if the schadule should be executed or not on the given day.
Count | Parent | Session |
Item |
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''Reading out all Dates'''''''''''' '''''''of the ExecutionDays of a Schedule''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub test23() Dim pfs As PfsEngine Dim i As Integer Set pfs = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.pfs ''''''Giving out the Count of all Execution Days Debug.Print pfs.Groups.Item(0).Schedules.Item(0).ExecutionDays.Count For i = 0 To pfs.Groups.Item(0).Schedules.Item(0).ExecutionDays.Count - 1 Debug.Print pfs.Groups.Item(0).Schedules.Item(0).ExecutionDays.Item(i).Date Next i End Sub