DynProperties for subitem "PictFilter"

Bildfilter HTML-Fenster

Name Type Description
IdxBrowse Long Amount of recently visited addresses that should be stored by the system.
IdxSearch Long Amount of search sites that should be stored by the system.
IsFilterRT Boolean If this property is set TRUE, it will display the configuration dialog within the runtime, before opening the picture in online operation.
URLBrowse String Address of the page, that should be displayed in the navigate area.
URLSearch String Address of the page, that should be displayed in the search area.

MDI-Parameter Keyboard

Name Type Description
Max Double
Min Double
Text String

MDI-Parameter Liste

Name Type Description
FileName String Gets or sets the name of the file, which should be displayed.
IsReadOnly Boolean The file cannot be edited within the runtime, if this property is set TRUE.

MDI-Parameter 'Video'

Name Type Description
AVIFile String Gets or sets the name of the AVI File.
DrvIndex Long
Extension Long Capturing mode:

0 → AVI
1 → Bitmap
FrameRate Float Number of pictures per second for recording.
Freq Long
IsAudio Boolean Audio is captured together with the video, if set TRUE.
IsAutoName Boolean Name is automatically generated from the system time, if set TRUE.
IsAutoRec Boolean Recording is automatically started when opening the picture, if set TRUE.
IsAutosize Boolean
IsAutostart Boolean Video file is automatically started when opening the picture, if set TRUE.
IsDisableSmartDrv Boolean
IsDosBuffer Boolean DOS Buffers are utilized for the video capture, if set TRUE.
IsHWSrc Boolean
IsRestart Boolean Video file is restarted after each end, if set TRUE.
IsTimeActive Boolean Activates time limit (DynProperty "Seconds") for recording, if set TRUE.
IsVideoMid Boolean Reference point for the position of the video display in zooming actions.
  • Active (TRUE): The zoomed video is placed in the center of the template.
  • Inactive (FALSE): The video display is zoomed to bottom right.
IsWithMenu Boolean Displays a menu in the playbar for operating the video, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsWithPlay" is activated.
IsWithPlay Boolean Displays a slider (playbar) in the video picture, if set TRUE.
MaxDrop Long Specifies the maximum drop rate.
Picture String
SaveAVI String Name of the file to be saved.
Seconds Long Time limit for recording (specified in seconds).

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsTimeActive" is activated.
Speed Long Controls the video speed. (Default: 1000)
VideoBuf Long Reserved buffer for video recording in MB.
Volume Long Controls the volume level. (Default: 1000)
WndStyle Long
Zoom Long Zoom factor in percent of original size. (Default: 100)

Funktionsparameter 'Übersichtsfenster'

Name Type Description
BordColor Long Color for the frame in the picture that indicates the currently selected area.
BordWidth Long Width for the frame in the picture that indicates the currently selected area.
IsLevelZoom Boolean Specifies the zoom method:
  • TRUE → Zooming is done by predefined zoom steps
  • FALSE → Zooming is done by percentage, specified by the user within DynProperty "ZoomFact"
IsLock Boolean Maintains the aspect ratio when zooming, if set TRUE.
IsMidMark Boolean Highlights selected station in the picture, if set TRUE.
IsNoTracker Boolean Switches the page drag points off, if set TRUE.
Monitor Long Specifies the monitor where the overview should be displayed.
PixelOffset Long Move the overview with arrow keys by the pixels specified within here.
SelColor Long Color for the currently selected area.
TemplateName String Specifies the name of the template that should be overviewed.
UpdateTime Long Specifies the cyclic update time for the overview in seconds. If set to 0, the cyclic update is disabled.
ZoomFact Long Specifies the zoom level in percent.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsLevelZoom" is set to FALSE.

MDI-Parameter 'Archedit'

Name Type Description
Format Long Sorting of displayed archive entries:

0 → Time: Sorting of all entries according to date and time
1 → Variable: Sorting according to variable name
2 → Unsorted
IMaxValue Double
IMinValue Double
IsBackup Boolean Reads from backup path, if set TRUE.
IsFilterRT Boolean Displays the filter configuration dialog within the runtime, if set TRUE.
MaxValue Double Specifies the maximum for the filtering of all numerical archive values and their technical values between the specified minimum and maximum.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "Value" is set to 1.
MinValue Double Specifies the minimum for the filtering of all numerical archive values and their technical values between the specified minimum and maximum.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "Value" is set to 1.
Name String Specifies the filter name.
SelStatCount Long Specifies the amount of selected states.

SelStates = 262144;4096;262144;-457;-701;-457;-701;

SelStatCount = 2
Only the first two values/states ("262144;4096;"I-BIT & M-VALUE) are valid!

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "Status" is set to 1.
SelStates String Specifies the states which should be filtered for. Multiple states have to be sepereated with a semicolon.
'Sets filtering for M-Value and I-BIT
zFct.DynProperties("PictFilter.SelStates") = "4096;262144;"
ATTENTION: This property may return more values than the specified states. Check DynProperty "SelStatCount" to verify how many values are valid.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "Status" is set to 1.
SelVars String Specifies the names of the variables which should be filtered. Multiple variable names have to be seperated with a semicolon.
zFct.DynProperties("PictFilter.SelVars") = "WIZ_VAR_10;WIZ_VAR_11;WIZ_VAR_12;"
Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "Var" is set to 1.
Status Long If set to 1, filtering is done by given states specified within DynProperty "SelStates". Otherwise (0) filtering by state is ignored.
StrMask String Specifies the string for the filtering of all alphanumerical archive values and their technical values which matches the defined string.

Hint Only available, if DynProperty "Value" is set to 1.
Time Long
Titel String Specifies the short name of the archive which should be filtered.
Value Long If set to 1, filtering is done by given values (DynProperties "MinValue" "MaxValue" "StrMask"). Otherwise (0) the values are ignored.
Var Long If set to 1, filtering is done by given variables specified within DynProperty "SelVars". Otherwise (0) all variables are used.

MDI-Parameter ETM: Diagramm

Name Type Description
BordBottom Long Distance between the lower edge of the control element and the X-axis (Origin 0%-Y-axis)

ATTENTION: Room for two-line labelling of the X-axis for the configured user defined font.
BordLeft Long Distance between the lower edge of the control element and the X-axis (Origin 0%-Y-axis)

ATTENTION: Room for the left-hand side labelling of the Y-axis for the configured user defined font.
BordRight Long Distance between the lower edge of the control element and the X-axis (Origin 100%-Y-axis)

ATTENTION: Room for the right-hand side labelling of the Y-axis for the configured user defined font.
BordTop Long Distance between the upper edge of the control element and the trend curves represented inside it.

ATTENTION: Room for later optional showing of stored details with active pointer.
DateWidth Long Column width for the time stamp in the legend.
DelayRefresh Long
Font Long Selection or setting of the user defined font for the axis labels and the value indicators.
GridColor Long Color of the overlaying grid.
HGColor Long Background colour of the displayed graphics.
IsArchive Boolean
IsBackup Boolean Use of historic archives from the backup path, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsArchive" is set TRUE.
IsBorder Boolean
IsExponent Boolean
IsMWAct Boolean Activation (TRUE) / deactivation (FALSE) of DynProperty "MWWidth".
IsMaxAct Boolean Activation (TRUE) / deactivation (FALSE) of DynProperty "MaxWidth".
IsMinAct Boolean Activation (TRUE) / deactivation (FALSE) of DynProperty "MinWidth".
IsStateAct Boolean Activation (TRUE) / deactivation (FALSE) of DynProperty "StateWidth".
IsStatusAct Boolean Activation (TRUE) / deactivation (FALSE) of DynProperty "StatusWidth".
IsXAxis Boolean If set TRUE, the XY (X-Axis) diagram style is used. Otherwise (FALSE) the standard XT (Time axis) representation is utilized.
MWWidth Long Column width for the mean value of the variable value in the displayed time period in the legend.

Hint: Activation/deactivation of the mean value with DynProperty "IsMWAct".
MaxWidth Long Column width for the maximum of the variable value in the displayed time period in the legend.

Hint: Activation/deactivation of the maximum with DynProperty "IsMaxAct".
MinWidth Long Column width for the minimum of the variable value in the displayed time period in the legend.

Hint: Activation/deactivation of the minimum with DynProperty "IsMinAct".
Name String Freely configurable diagram name. Can be shown in the control element.

If the string in the diagram name contains the character combination %c, this combination is replaced by the name of the batch(es) reaching into the defined filter during online operation.

e.g. Diagram name = "Diagram1_%C%_End" → "Diagram1_Batch1_End" in the runtime
RefreshRate Float Definition of the screen updating in seconds. Minimum: 0.1
ScrollWidth Long Specifies the screen scrolling, if the right edge of the diagram has been reached.

ATTENTION: Only for diagrams with online values.
StateWidth Long Column width for the condition in the legend.

Hint: Activation/deactivation of the condition with "IsStateAct".
StatusWidth Long Column width for the status in the legend.

Hint: Activation/deactivation of the status with DynProperty "IsStatusAct".
UnitsWidth Long Column width for the unit in the legend.
ValueWidth Long Column width for the variable value in the legend.
VarWidth Long Column width for the variable name in the legend.
XYStart Long

MDI-Parameter 'Variables status test'

Name Type Description
IsFilterRT Boolean Displays the filter configuration dialog within the runtime, if set TRUE.
Variable SUBITEM Parameters for the variable test.

Funktionsparameter CEL/AML-Filter

Name Type Description
Classes String Filters for alarm classes, where system messages are marked out, as they are not linked to a variable.

Multiple class numbers have to be seperated with a semicolon.
zFct.DynProperties("PictFilter.Classes") = "1;2;"
EntriesCount Long Specifies the maximum amount of entries that should be filtered from a file.

Hint: Only available, if the DynProperty "IsFromFiles" is set TRUE.
FileName String With this property you get/set the file name for the different export mechanism.
FilterTitel String Filters for the identifictaion of variables, where system messages are masked out, as they are not linked to a variable.

Wildcards can be used here. Default → "*"
Font ZT_SCHRIFT Specifies the font that should be used.

The parameter that is passed, is the index of the font within the specified font list.

0 → Standard font
1 → Default font 1
5 → Default font 5
6 → User specified font 1
... → etc.
Groups String Filters for alarm groups, where system messages are marked out, as they are not linked to a variable.

Multiple group numbers have to be seperated with a semicolon.
zFct.DynProperties("PictFilter.Groups") = "1;2;"
IncTime ZT_ZEIT Gets or sets the minimal time for current alarms in seconds.

Hint: Milliseconds can be specified with the "mSeconds" DynProperty.
IsAML Boolean Prints the alarm list, if set TRUE. Otherwise the CEL list will be printed.
IsAcknowledged Boolean Filters unacknowledged alarms, if set TRUE.
IsAscentOnly Boolean Prints only current alarms, if set TRUE.
IsAutoName Boolean
IsDBASE Boolean
IsFilterExp Boolean Opens the list stopped, if set TRUE.

i.e. while the list is open, no new messages are added automatically.
IsFilterRT Boolean Displays the configuration dialog within the runtime, if set TRUE.
IsFromFiles Boolean Filter is applied to file entries, if set TRUE. Otherwise, the filter is applied to the entries from the memory.

Hint: The maximum amount of entries which should be filtered from the file is specified by the "EntriesCount" DynProperty.
IsMatchCase Boolean Filter is case sensitive, if set TRUE. Otherwise the case sensitivity is ignored.
IsReadAll Boolean
IsRelationTime Boolean Display of relative times (relative to selected entries), if set TRUE.
IsSQL Boolean
IsUnicode Boolean
IsXML Boolean
ProjectNames String Specifies the names of the projects. Multiple project names are seperated with a semicolon.
zFct.DynProperties("PictFilter.ProjectNames") = "PROJECT1;PROJECT2;"
Projekts String Specifies the names of the projects. Multiple project names are seperated with a semicolon.
zFct.DynProperties("PictFilter.Projekts") = "PROJECT1;PROJECT2;"
ResString String
SQLBase String
SQLTable String
TextFilter SUBITEM
TimeFilter SUBITEM
VarFilter String Filters for variable names, where system messages are masked out, as they are not linked to a variable.

Wildcards can be used here. Default → "*" (All variables)
mSeconds Long Gets or sets the milliseconds in addition to the "IncTime" DynProperty.

Bildfilter Rezeptur-Fenster

Name Type Description
FilterRT Boolean Displays the recipe selection dialog within the runtime, if set TRUE.
Position Long Specifies the position of the recipe within the list.
RecipeName String Specifies the name of the recipe which should be displayed.

MDI-Parameter 'PFS'

Name Type Description
BeginTime ZT_ZEIT
Event String
Functions String
IsActive Boolean
IsRTFilter Boolean
IsRootItem Boolean
IsTimed Boolean
MaxColls Long
ObjType Long
Relative String
Schedule String
TechGroup String
TimeModel String
Titel String
Variables String
ViewsHeader SUBITEM

MDI-Parameter 'Report'

Name Type Description
DWPar1 Long First doubleword transfer parameter for value markers.
DWPar2 Long Second doubleword transfer parameter for value markers.
DWPar3 Long Third doubleword transfer parameter for value markers.
DWPar4 Long Fourth doubleword transfer parameter for value markers.
DWPar5 Long Fifth doubleword transfer parameter for value markers.
ExportFile String
Extension Long
IsAutoName Boolean
IsBackup Boolean Reads archive from backup path, if set TRUE.
IsCancel Boolean
IsFilterRT Boolean Displays the report filter configuration dialog within the runtime, if set TRUE.
IsReadOnly Boolean Allows no modifications to the file, if set TRUE.
ResString String
StrPar1 String First string transfer parameter for text markers.
StrPar2 String Second string transfer parameter for text markers.
StrPar3 String Third string transfer parameter for text markers.
StrPar4 String Fourth string transfer parameter for text markers.
StrPar5 String Fifth string transfer parameter for text markers.
TableFile String Specifies the name of the report file.
TimeFilter SUBITEM Time filter settings