DynProperties for subitem "Filter"

Funktionsparameter 'Sende Nachricht'

Name Type Description
ConstText String Specifies the constant text that will be sent or played (if option "Telephone speech" is selected within DynProperty "MsgType").

ATTENTION: This property always requires an entry, except option "Telephone" (not "Telephone speech") within DynProperty "MsgType".
ErrorFile String Specifies the text ("Telephone speech") or the name of the soundfile ("Telephone") that will be played, if the wrong pin was entered.

Hint: This property is only available for the options "Telephone" and "Telephone speech" within DynProperty "MsgType".
FunctionsIDs String Specifies the IDs of the functions, which are executed on acknowledgment. Multiple IDs have to be seperated with a semicolon.
'Executes the functions with the IDs 2, 8 and 5 on acknowledgment
zFct.DynProperties("Filter.FunctionsIDs") = "2;8;5;"
GUID String Gets or sets the GUID of the group or recipient (depending on DynProperty "UserType") that should be informed.
HeaderFile String Specifies the text ("Telephone speech") or the name of the soundfile ("Telephone") that will be played, after getting connection to the phone of the recipient.
This file should ask the recipient to enter his PIN code. If the pin is correct, the specified text within DynProperty "ConstText" (option "Telephone speech") or the soundfile specified within DynProperty "WaveFile" (option "Telephone") is played.
Otherwise, the text or file specified within "ErrorFile" (both options "Telephone speech" and "Telephone") is played.

Hint: This property is only available for the options "Telephone" and "Telephone speech" within DynProperty "MsgType".
Index Long
IsDynLimits Boolean Adds information about the violated variable to the constant text, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsVar" is set FALSE and DynProperty "IsUseVariable" is set TRUE.
IsResign Boolean For security purposes, it is often necessary to acknowledge sent messages. If this property is set true, acknowledging will be activated.

ATTENTION: For options "Telephone" and "Telephone speech" (see DynProperty "MsgType"), this property has always to be activated.
IsSendLimitext Boolean Sends the limit text of the violated variable, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsDynLimits" is set TRUE.
IsSendTime Boolean Sends the time when the variable was violated, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsDynLimits" is set TRUE.
IsSendVarName Boolean Sends the name of the violated variable, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsDynLimits" is set TRUE.
IsSendVarTag Boolean Sends the identification of the violated variable, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsDynLimits" is set TRUE.
IsTextDlg Boolean Displays the message control dialog within the runtime, if set TRUE.
IsUseVariable Boolean With this option the limit text of a defined variable or a violated variable can be added to the message, if set TRUE.

Hint: Available for all message types, except option "Telephone" within DynProperty "MsgType".
IsVar Boolean Adds the limit text from the specified variable (DynProperty "Var") to the constant text, if set TRUE.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsDynLimits" is set FALSE and DynProperty "IsUseVariable" is set TRUE.
MsgType Long Defines the transfer medium for sending messages. Following message types are supported:

1 → E-Mail
3 → Telephone
4 → Paging / SMS
6 → Telephone (speech)
NAKFunctionsIDs String
OldUserId Long
ResignTime Long The property defines, how long the Message Control waits for the acknowledging of the recipient, before his replacement is informed.
If no replacement is entered, an corresponding entry in the CEL is generated.
UserType Long Specifies to whom the message should be sent:

2 → Group
3 → Recipient
6 → Current shift
Var ZT_VARIABLE Gets or sets a "Variable" object that contains the limit text, which will be added to the constant text.

Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsVar" is set TRUE.
WaveFile String Specifies the name of the soundfile that will be played, if the correct pin was entered.

Hint: This property is only available for the option "Telephone" within DynProperty "MsgType".