Name | Type | Description |
DWPar1 | Long | |
DWPar2 | Long | |
DWPar3 | Long | |
DWPar4 | Long | |
DWPar5 | Long | |
ExportExt | Long | Defines the import/export format for
the recipe file. 0 → Text file (TXT) |
ExportFile | String | Defines the path and the name of the import/export file. |
FileNameVar | String | Defines the name of the variable which contains the name for the import/export (DynProperty "Modus" options 3 and 4). |
FilterText | String | this property defines the filter to open the RGM picture with in the runtime. Only variables with this Filtertext set will be shown. |
FilterVar | ZT_VARIABLE | This property defines which string variable will be used to open the RGM picture. The string in this variable will be used to show only the variables with this Filtertext. |
FormatFile | String | |
IsAutoName | Boolean | If set TRUE, a name for the export file (DynProperty "Modus" option 3) will be automatically generated. |
IsFilterRT | Boolean | Displays the recipe configuration dialog within the runtime, if set TRUE. |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | If set TRUE, this property only allows
the selection of a recipe within the runtime, but unlike
"IsRecOnly" no recipe configuration is allowed. Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsFilterRT" is set TRUE. |
IsRecNumName | Boolean | Specifies if the assigned variable
contains the number (FALSE) or the name (TRUE) of the recipe. Hint: This property is only available, if DynProperty "WithNumber" specifies that the recipe selection is done via a variable. |
IsRecOnly | Boolean | If set TRUE, this property only allows
the selection of a recipe within the runtime. Hint: Only available, if DynProperty "IsFilterRT" is set TRUE. |
IsWithFormat | Boolean | |
Modus | Long | Defines the recipe mode. 0 → Execute recipe 1 → Duplicate and teach 2 → Read recipe 3 → Export recipe 4 → Import recipe 5 → Duplicate |
PictName | String | |
RecGroup | String | Specifies the name of the recipe group which contains the utilized RGM recipe. |
RecNameVar | Long | |
RecNumber | Long | |
RecVar | ZT_VARIABLE | Gets or sets a variable ("Variable" object) that should be used, in order to select the recipe by name or number. |
Recipe | String | Specifies the name of the recipe that
should be operated. ATTENTION: The name of the recipe has to be the exact name of an existing RGM recipe. |
StrPar1 | String | |
StrPar2 | String | |
StrPar3 | String | |
StrPar4 | String | |
StrPar5 | String | |
TargetRecipe | String | Defines the name of the target recipe
to which should be copied. Hint: Only available for DynProperty "Modus" option 5 ("Duplicate"). |
WithNumber | Long | Specifies it the recipe should be
selected with a variable. 0 → No recipe selection 1 → Recipe selection with variable |