Other export formats

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Additionally to the XML import there are other import possibilities for the variables:

Import possibilities


From DBF - file…

Variables can be imported from a dBase file. The format of the file is described in the chapter File structure.

Export DBF – file….

Variables can be exported to a dBase file. The format of the file is described in the chapter File structure.

From S7 - project…

Variables can be imported directly from a S7 project.

An adoption of Win CC names of S7 technologic sight is possible. zenon or WinCC- or Combined names can be selected. For WinCC names it is possible, to select technologic steps and specify a separator.

From TwinCAT - project…

Variables can be imported directly from a TwinCAT project.

For these import possibilities the corresponding drivers have to be created in the project before.

info Info

The S7 import does not support structures. Structure information from the S7 project is resolved and imported as a flat list. Also other drivers offer the possibility to browse through the variable list of the PLC program (e.g. OPC, Codesys, B&R, ...).

attention Attention

During Import S7 - project... the S7 Simantic Manager must not be opened, i.e. it must not open the S7 project which should be loaded because the program has exclusive access to certain files.

Thus the import mechanism fails. For example no Stations are displayed.