Links to the standard project entry page

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In our example a Standard, a Full screen and a New window mode are available for the start of the WEB client:


The WEB Client and so the project is displayed within the HTML frame set.


<a href= ../ init. html >Link_für_Stardard</a>


The WEB client and so the project is opened in an new browser window in fullscreen mode, with the help of a Java script. The path ofindex.html is globally defined in the Java script function.

function fullwin(){ ../projekt_M.htm ,,fullscreen)

<a href=# onclick=javascript:fullwin()>Link_für_Fullscreen</a>

New Window

The WEB client and so the project is opened in a new browser window in normal mode.


<a href= ../ init . html target=_blank>Link_für_Stardard</a>