
The Knowledge Base contains three navigational tools to help you quickly find relevant information:

Search Queries

Learning about effective queries will help you to locate relevant articles.  The simplest query consists of just one word. For example, to find articles about alarm pages, you could enter the word alarm. This query would return a list of all articles that contain the word 'alarm'. If the query word is common, a large number of articles will be displayed, and you may need to further narrow your search.

Enter multiple words:
To narrow your search, enter more than one word. For example, to find articles about alarm pages, you could enter the words alarm page. This query would return all articles that contain both the words 'alarm' and 'page'. Some search engines require the keyword AND to be used for this kind of search - it is not necessary here.

Customise your queries with the NEAR, NOT and OR keyword operators. For example, the query alarms page not hardware, would exclude an article about the "hardware alarms page".

Literal phrases:
Put quotation marks around keywords if you want to search for a literal expression. For example, searching for "alarm page" would find articles that contain that exact phrase. This can be quite useful if you need to use a keyword in your search. For example, "exclusive or" contains the keyword OR, and would cause an error without the quotes..

Wild cards:
Use wild cards (* and ?) where you are uncertain about the form of a word. For example, if you are uncertain about whether to search for "alarms", "alarm", or "alarming", search instead for alarm*. The ? is similar, but works only for one character.