Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.00, 1.01, 1.10, 1.11, 2.00, 2.01

While running, the Windows Print manager may slow system response (by taking too much CPU away from Citect). The parameter [kernel]idle may help to give Citect more of the computer's CPU. (Note that it will also give less CPU to all other windows programs running at the same time.) This parameter tells Citect how many of its kernel tasks to run before giving up the CPU to other Windows Programs. The more tasks Citect runs before giving up, the more CPU Citect is likely to get. Note that Citect will give up the CPU to other windows programs if it runs out of its own tasks. 

Try increasing the parameter [kernel]idle in the CITECT.INI file. This parameter may only be set in the CITECT.INI file - it is ignored in the parameter database. The default value is 1 for versions 1.0..1.11 rev 4 and 2.0, this default has been increased to 10 for Versions 1.2 and 2.01 and later.


