Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.00, 1.01, 1.10, 1.11, 1.20, 2.00, 2.01

The PC/Xi Digiboard allows its memory address to be set to any address up to the 16Mb limit. If your computer has less than 16Mb of memory it is better to set the Digiboard address up as high as possible, ie around the 16Mb range. This is best because you will not clash with any other hardware cards at low memory, and you will also free scarce low DOS memory. However, if your computer has 16Mb or more memory the only available memory location is at D000h. 

If your computer has 16 Megabytes or more of memory, the computer uses segments 10000H to FF000H. The only memory address useable by the PC/Xi Digiboard is segment D000H. If your computer has 8 Megabytes of memory, the PC/Xi Digiboard can use any segment from 80000h to F9000H. If your computer has 12 Megabytes of memory, the PC/Xi Digiboard can use any segment from C0000H to F9000H.

See also Q1166 

