Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.20, 2.01

Citect for Windows Versions 1.2 and 2.01 support alternate INI files (you can use another INI file as an alternative to the Citect.INI file). The new INI file name must be passed to the Citect system applications, ie. CtEdit, CtDraw and Citect, as a command line argument. The switch for this argument is /i or -i followed by the name of the new INI file. Ensure that there are no spaces between the switch and the file name. 

For example to make Citect use the file My.INI instead of CITECT.INI Change the Command Line entry of The Citect icon to:

c:\citect\bin\citect.exe /iMY.INI

See also KB Q4193

