Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.00, 1.01, 1.10, 1.11, 1.20, 2.00, 2.01

The following procedure explains how to setup TCP/IP as the Networking System with Windows. This will allow Citect to use TCP/IP as its network transport. This procedure was only tested with Windows 3.1 and not with Windows for Workgroups.

1). Install DOS on the PC

2). Install Windows on the PC.

3). Read the documentation. (At least the Quick Install Guide).

You will need to know what sort of Network Kernel and what type of Network driver you will be using. The test detailed here was performed using an ODI network driver on an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network. You will also need to have the IP addresses for your site. See your System Administrator for this information.

4). When you have the relevant information, insert Disk 1 and type Install. The Install program is not too cryptic.

It runs in 3 stages. First it will copy all the files you will need to your hard disk. Then it will edit your Windows configuration files. The second stage takes you through more installation info and the same with the third. If you follow the instructions carefully and refer to your Installation Guide, you should have no problems up to this stage.

5). Running Citect with PC/TCP requires that you use the NetBIOS module of the software. This module should be loaded after the TCP/IP kernel in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and before running windows.

To get the maximum number of NetBIOS sessions for use with Citect, you will have to manually edit your PCTCP.INI file. This file will be in the directory where you installed the software.

The Manuals state that you will only be able to configure 32 NetBIOS Sessions. This is not true. You can configure 39 NetBIOS sessions if you edit the PCTCP.INI file to be configured for 0 UDP-Connections and 41 TCP-Connections. You can then change the settings for NetBIOS to make 39 sessions.

[pctcp kernel]
[pctcp netbios]

This setup will then allow you to have 8 Citect workstations attached to one Citect server. This restriction is rather limiting but you can minimise it by distributing the Citect Server tasks.

If you have 4 PC's that are configured to be an IOserver, Alarm Server, Trend Server, & Report Server, then these PC's will be able to support 31 workstation connections because they will use 8 netbios sessions themselves (for getting data) thereby leaving 31 for use by other Citect Stations. 


