Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.20, 2.00, 2.01

Sometimes, when you click on a drop down combobox to get a list of options, a "list too big" message is displayed. This warning will display if the number of records exceeds a predefined value (2000 by default). The reason for this limitation is that Windows has a data size limit of 64K (in comboboxes), and the time to load the information from the database can be excessive. 

Provided that the data size in a combobox or listbox will not exceed the 64K limit, you can increase the default value (2000) with the variable [CTEDIT]MaxHelpRec. You can also modify the variable while CTEdit (the Database Editor) is running by changing number of Help Records in File/Options dialog box. If you use the File/Options Help Records method, you may still get the "list too big" warning because the data in the combobox or listbox is cached. To clear the cache, shutdown and restart CtEdit.  

